
Intentional WHAT??

In order for true biblical community to happen, we need to intentionally be vulnerable.  This isn't a popular concept in our culture! Pastor Scott shares with us the value of it, and a strategy for how to actually make it happen.


The Context for One-Anothering

Can I just use the one-another principles to help me a better person at my job? Pastor Scott shares with us what God had in mind for the context in which we work out our faith by following the one another commands.


Confess your Sins to One Another

When I'm sick, does that mean that I've been sinning? If I pray enough, will it make my sickness go away? Answers to these and other questions will be shared in this sermon by Pastor Eric.


Admonish One Another

Letting someone know that they've hurt us is difficult.  Pastor Scott gives us some things to keep in mind when we confront a sin.


Forgive and Bear with One Another

If only we were all perfect, and not annoying...because then there would be nothing to forgive or bear with!  But that's just not the case - so we need skills in these two areas.  Pastor Scott equips us with some help in this sermon!