2016 ThemeThis next year our church will begin a new theme, a theme that we believe is very relevant to us and the world that we live in. 2016 is going to be all about “Broken to Restored.” As a result of sin, we live broken lives in a broken world. Thankfully, God has created a way to see restoration brought to many of the things broken by sin. This year we will focus on His restoration to very specific areas that have been broken.

Core Classes will once again follow our theme for the year. And starting on January 3rd, individuals who are within the age range of 22 to 40 will meet in room 105, where they will be studying, “Right Thinking In a World Gone Wrong: A Biblical Response to Today’s Most Controversial Issues.” Here is what your teachers have to say about this class… 

We live in a complex world. And if we’re honest with ourselves, it feels as though it’s getting more and more complex with each passing year. These “complexities” often become topics of conversation, headline news, and cultural norms. As opinions are voiced on these topics, blog posts written on the complexities, and the nightly news expounds on the latest issues, it becomes very clear that not only is our world complex, but it is also broken. How do we as Christ-followers approach these topics? How do we address something like immigration? Or something as simple as social media? What about purity in our modern culture? These — and more — will be the basis for our discussions as we jump into this Core Module. Our goal will be to explore how, with God’s Word to guide us, we can approach these often controversial topics with a redeemed, restored perspective.