Since 2007, I’ve been meeting with a small group of men on Tuesday mornings during the school year for prayer, encouragement and accountability. During the summer we stay in touch via e-mail and texting.  It’s been a great blessing to me to have friends like these that I can count on to pray for me and my family, and to keep me on track in my spiritual journey. It’s also pretty cool when God allows me to do the same for them!  I’m also thankful for other groups of men within our church that continue to meet regularly. While we’ve seen some good things come out of our men’s ministry over the past year, we do not want to let up.  To be honest, sometimes my motivation to reach and disciple men gets displaced by other priorities and the “tyranny of the urgent.”  Usually, this doesn’t last long as God always seems to bring someone or something across my path to reboot my motivation and passion for men. 

Most recently, God used the following article to wake me up to the great need we have to reach men and grow them up in Christ!  It is entitled “How Are Men Doing?  The State Of Men In America”, by David Delk (A Look In The Mirror, Spring 2013).  When you click on the link, please be patient as it takes awhile to load the article.  I must confess that the news is not very encouraging.  However, until we see exactly what condition America’s men are in, we can’t begin to address the needs. So, with that in mind, take a few minutes and read it over.  Then, would you please pray for the men of South Baptist Church?  They are under assault every day from Satan, this world, and even their own sinful desires.  And, pray for our Pastors and Men’s Ministry leaders as we prayerfully plan the coming year’s ministry.

I don’t know about you, but that article re-ignites my passion for our men! Thanks for fighting for our men through prayer and encouragement!!!!  May we see God do a great work in men’s lives over the coming season of ministry!

God bless, PL