How many Easter Musicals have you attended?  Which ones stick out in your mind and why?  Some of you probably can’t remember me without a beard.  But, did you know that it was a part that I played in an Easter musical back in the mid-90’s that required me to grow a beard?  I played the part of a gnarly thief named Marcus, who found himself in the same prison cell with the Apostle Paul and Silas in the musical “Who Will Call Him King Of Kings”. What a great musical!  Someday, we’ll do it again.  Up until that musical, I never had a beard. I didn’t want one, nor would Kim have ever put up with one!  After that musical, I decided (and Kim graciously agreed) that I should keep my new facial hair-doo.  I’ve had it ever since.  Now, whenever I threaten to shave it off, my family objects vociferously!  So, on it stays…a testimony to Easters past! 

Each year, one of the biggest challenges I have as a music pastor is to prayerfully and carefully choose a musical for our musicians and technical teams to prepare for presentation to our church family and guests.  On Saturday night, March 31, 7:00pm and Sunday morning, April 1, 10:30am a group of dedicated singers and technical people will join together to present the brand new Easter musical “Your Great Name”.  It is a collection of eleven wonderful songs that will help to re-focus our attention on our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!  I can’t tell you how many musicals I’ve been involved with through my years here at South, but I can tell you that this musical ranks among my favorites!  One of my guiding principles for choosing musicals is that I must find one that I am personally excited about!  I can’t lead a group of people through the weeks of sacrificial practices and rehearsals if I am not absolutely overwhelmed by the message and music contained in a musical.  Music is a powerful vehicle that allows us to express things to God and people that we might otherwise be unable to express.  It’s not merely about the music, but the music gives wings to our worship.  How thankful I am for the gifted men and women who, by God’s grace and leading, put words and music together that can powerfully impact us and help us on our journey toward Christ-likeness.  How thankful I am for talented and dedicated men, women and teens in our church who are willing to work hard to prepare a sacrifice of praise through this year’s musical.  Can I ask you to pray for us?  I would also ask that you take the opportunity to invite your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers to attend.  They will come face to face with the risen Savior and His powerful message of the gospel. I know you and your guests will be blessed!

I don’t know if my Easter musical beard will stay put for the rest of my life. It might be time for a change.  Either way, I hope that this year’s musical will be used of God to share Christ with those who need Him, and to encourage those who love Him to draw even closer to Him!  Thanks for your prayers…

Pastor Larry