
Imminent Return of Christ

The return of Christ is "at hand" - learn what that means, and also what we should be doing in light of that!


In Injustice and Suffering

Can we be victorious even when life is unfair and suffering is all around us? The Book of First Peter says we can!


In the Church

We can live victoriously in the church by doing several specific things - Check out this sermon to find out!


In the Home

Peter gives husbands and wives several important things to remember, in order to have victorious living in the home!


In Trials and Conduct

We all face troubles. That’s just part of the human experience! How should we respond? So many people respond with anger, bitterness and discouragement when things don’t go their way. But, that’s not what God wants! In the new Testament book of 1 Peter, we find some godly advice and wisdom given to people, like us, who were facing some serious troubles of their own. Pastor Scott continues his sermon series on the book of 1 Peter, where we learn just how our responses to trials can actually be a source of joy – if we respond in a way that pleases God!

The Broken People In John

The Broken People In John

Chris & Donna Sadowitz serve the Lord as missionaries in Japan. South Baptist has partnered with them in prayer and financial support since 1993. They are in the states right now visiting supporting churches and they will be spending time with our Day Camp kids each day this week. In his message today, Chris reminds...