I’m sure you have some questions about what it’s like at our church – if your question isn’t answered below, send it to us in an email at office@sbcflint.org
Feel free to fill out an online “Connection Card” like the ones we have in the pews, if you’d like to start getting more connected!

Each Sunday we meet at 10:30 AM, in our church’s auditorium. We enjoy being together, singing worship sings to the Lord and learning from God’s Word. You will be on your way home by noon!
Our regular attenders give money to God in the giving boxes and our website to help our church have an impact locally, and also around the world.
Yes! just click here to go to YouTube, where our services are streamed Live. You can also watch previously recorded services.
Kids have a great time learning about Jesus at South! There are loving workers that play with them, teach them, and share with them that Jesus loves them!
We have kids’ classes for Age 0 – 3rd Grade – The elementary-aged kids all sit with their parents during the first part of the service when we sing, etc. – and then the first through third graders are dismissed to walk together with their teacher, to their class. Fourth and fifth graders stay in the church service most weeks. Every month or so, they’ll have a class for their age–and you will hear about it ahead of time.
We believe that God cares more about what is in our hearts, than the clothes that we wear (1 Samuel 16:7). We do not have a dress code. You’ll see some people wearing dress clothes, and some wearing shorts– just dress comfortably.
Quite simply, we believe the Bible. We believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that we need to accept Him by faith (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8). There are many other facets to what we believe, and if you’d like to dig deeper, you might want to sign up for an Exploring South class. This is a chance for you to see what South is all about, and learn what we believe God’s Word says. If you’d like to take a comprehensive look at our doctrinal statement, click here.
We meet at G-4091 Van Slyke Road, just South of Bristol Road. Click here to see the Google Map. If you have kids, then you will want to snag one of our “Parents of Tots” parking spots near the Children’s Entrance. If no kids, then you can pull straight ahead and park near the Main Entrance. (We have Seniors parking spots, as well as handicapped spots.)
Pastor Scott regularly gives an opportunity to get together and go over what South is all about. The next Exploring South class will be announced several weeks before we hold it. If you’d like to attend, please click here to fill out a quick form, to let us know you’re coming. It will go straight to Pastor Scott.