Outreach Team
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tim.compton.35 |
Facebook: dekoninckstokenya |
Web: www.fcapurdue.org Facebook: Purdue.Fca X (Twitter): PurdueFCA Check out what the local newspaper in Lafayette is saying about Marty’s ministry:
Web: give.abwe.org/worker/379 |
Web: montrosebaptistchurch.com |
Web: www.cusefca.org Facebook: syrfca To support Will’s ministry personally: www.nyfca.org/william-payne |
Facebook: Robbins2Buffalo |
Web: www.roystospain.com |
Giving: www.bmm.org/families/self-andrew-and-romina |
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/738803106537304 |
Web: give.abwe.org/worker/391 |
WE are the Outreach Team! We are each, as members of South, trying to be bold and share the love of Christ in the Flint area. We are sharing our faith with our friends and neighbors, praying that they will see Christ in us.
Our 2016 Block Party at Sarginson Park. We had a blast and had over 200 people from the neighborhood come to have fun with us! |
Our 2016 “Be the Church” Summer of serving! We spent several Sunday evenings cleaning up Sarginson Park, and a couple Sunday evenings at Carman-Ainsworth Middle School, renovating their teacher’s lounge. |
We sent a team to Buenos Aires in October 2013. They had a wonderful time assisting the Selfs in finishing one of their new church buildings! |