

Pastor Scott brought us the first Essential of a Healthy Church.  Worship.  That's what we do each week at 10:30 AM, correct? Well, no, not exactly.  Singing praises to God is a very small part of our worship to God.  Pastor Scott explains more about that, in this message.

It’s All About the Gospel

It’s All About the Gospel

Pastor Shane, from Montrose Baptist Church, came and preached a message all about the gospel. It's a message that we all need, whether we think we do, or not.

Mother’s Day/Our Mission

Mother’s Day/Our Mission

The mission of the church, according to Matthew 28:16-20, is to make disciples.  Our church says it this way "Make disciples by reaching those who are far from God, while bringing up those who are in Christ."  Pastor Scott shares why this command is an Essential of a Healthy Church.

Celebration Sunday

Celebration Sunday

God is continuing to add people to His church!  Pastor Scott baptized two kids who have been saved recently, and wanted to share that with their friends and family.  And then we heard the testimonies of five adults who are saved, and wanted to be added to the membership of South.  You will be encouraged as you hear what God is doing in their lives.

The Rock of the Church

The Rock of the Church

Jesus said to Peter, "...on this rock I will build my church."  What did Jesus mean by this?  Is the church build on Peter? A human? Pastor Scott explains what is happening in this passage, as he starts our new series entitled, "Essentials of a Healthy Church".

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Christ is risen as He said! Who got to see the risen Christ, first?  It wasn't one of the disciples, it wasn't Jesus' earthly mother.  It was Mary Magdalene.  Pastor Scott shares with us why this was unexpected, but incredibly exciting.  


Good Friday Service

The cross of Christ is somehow horrifying, yet beautiful.  Pastor Scott explains this.

Judge not.  So really, no judging?

Judge not. So really, no judging?

Pastor Scott takes us to a topic that we typically think we understand very well.  We always remember the first words of the passage - "Judge not..." but we forget that the passage doesn't end there.  Don't miss this really convicting message.

Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

'Love your enemies' is a phrase that we've all heard hundreds of times, but there is a lot more to it than we realize! Pastor Eric taught us the depth of this passage in the Book of Luke, today.

Blessings and Cursings

Blessings and Cursings

When we think of being blessed, we think of monetary or  at least material blessings.  Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount that there is much more to being in the "blessed group" or the "woe/cursed group".  Pastor Scott helps us learn a lot about that!