What makes a church a biblical one?

What makes a church a biblical one?

Today is a Celebration Sunday, and we received five new members into our church family.  Pastor Scott shared with us what makes a church one that you should join.

Two Ordinances

Two Ordinances

God gave us two special ways to celebrate our salvation, regularly.  These are called 'ordinances'.  Pastor Scott taught us what these are, what these are not, and then we got to participate in them!

He Came To Our Rescue

He Came To Our Rescue

Jesus died for our sins, it's true. By paying the penalty for our sins, He rescued us from Hell's clutches and offers forgiveness to all who put their faith in Him. But, after His death satisfied God's holy anger over our sin, He didn't stay in the grave! Jesus came to life again! He is ALIVE! Let's celebrate!!!