He is Risen! Pastor Scott took us to Ephesians 2, to share how we can be risen with Christ, as well. Synced up, if you will.
Sermon Category: Easter
Good Friday
Good Friday Service - focusing on the horror of the cross, but the power of it as well.
Easter Sunday
Christ is risen as He said! Who got to see the risen Christ, first? It wasn't one of the disciples, it wasn't Jesus' earthly mother. It was Mary Magdalene. Pastor Scott shares with us why this was unexpected, but incredibly exciting.
Good Friday Service
The cross of Christ is somehow horrifying, yet beautiful. Pastor Scott explains this.
He Came To Our Rescue
Jesus died for our sins, it's true. By paying the penalty for our sins, He rescued us from Hell's clutches and offers forgiveness to all who put their faith in Him. But, after His death satisfied God's holy anger over our sin, He didn't stay in the grave! Jesus came to life again! He is ALIVE! Let's celebrate!!!