

If our church has authentic worship, stellar learning opportunities, and vibrant community....but we have no passion for influence - our ministry will be pretty flat.  Pastor Scott helps us see the importance of influence, and how we can take steps toward having greater influence.



Humans are made to be interdependent.  If you don't have anyone who you are pouring into, in this life, you maybe lonely!  Pastor Scott laid out from the Word, "Community" as the next essential of a healthy church.



Don't we all go to church to learn?  Learning is certainly one of the essentials of a healthy church.  Pastor Eric brought us the message on this important facet of a church.



Pastor Scott brought us the first Essential of a Healthy Church.  Worship.  That's what we do each week at 10:30 AM, correct? Well, no, not exactly.  Singing praises to God is a very small part of our worship to God.  Pastor Scott explains more about that, in this message.

Mother’s Day/Our Mission

Mother’s Day/Our Mission

The mission of the church, according to Matthew 28:16-20, is to make disciples.  Our church says it this way "Make disciples by reaching those who are far from God, while bringing up those who are in Christ."  Pastor Scott shares why this command is an Essential of a Healthy Church.

The Rock of the Church

The Rock of the Church

Jesus said to Peter, "...on this rock I will build my church."  What did Jesus mean by this?  Is the church build on Peter? A human? Pastor Scott explains what is happening in this passage, as he starts our new series entitled, "Essentials of a Healthy Church".