Why is it that when things are going well in our lives, and we are enjoying smooth sailing, that we often find ourselves making poor choices and suffering through the consequences? And, it's nothing new. King David was a "man after God's own heart". And yet, even he made bad choices that brought devastating consequences upon himself and his family! In this message, Pastor Scott points out some key lessons we can learn today from David's life that will help us avoid our own bad choices and consequences.
Sermon Tag: King David
From Shepherd To King
How did a teenage boy go from being a dirty and smelly sheep-herder, to King of Israel in a single day? Most of us would say that David was the least likely of Jesse's sons to be chosen as King. Yet, God has different standards than we do when it comes to such an important choice. In this message, Pastor Scott tells the story and helps us see what really matters to God!