Ever followed bad advice? We've all been there and paid the price. Even a rich and powerful king in the Bible followed terrible advice and it fractured his kingdom in two. Our families today can also be fractured by following the wisdom of this world instead of God's wisdom. How do we get God's wisdom? In today's message, Pastor Scott shows us from the Bible how we can get God's wisdom and apply it to our lives!
Sermon Tag: Solomon
A Big Ask
If God ever granted you one request, what would it be? There are a lot of things that come to mind. But, would wisdom even make the top 10? It was for King Solomon who had just taken over for his Dad as king of Israel. God honored Solomon's request, and even today, Solomon is known as the wisest of all people in history! God still offers wisdom to anyone who humbly seeks it today. In this message, we'll see how to seek the wisdom from God that we so desperately need.