
Who do you say I am?

Christ asked his disciples two very important questions - and we need to answer these same questions! Our responses have an effect on our life hear on the earth, and on our eternal home as well!


Resolving to Not be Conformed

Daniel resolved in his mind that he would please God - and he had a plan to go with his resolution!  This is the pattern we ought to follow as well! 


With the Help of a Shepherd

What is the role of a Pastor? What are his responsibilities, and what kind of attitude should he have?  1 Peter 5 shares these answers, on a week where we are voting on a new Student Ministries Pastor. Very appropriate.


As a Suffering Christian

In light of the fact that Christ’s return is imminent, and therefore our time here on this earth is brief, in this message from 1 Peter chapter 4,  Pastor Scott shares with us 4 ways we should be responding to trials and suffering in our lives.


Imminent Return of Christ

The return of Christ is "at hand" - learn what that means, and also what we should be doing in light of that!


In Injustice and Suffering

Can we be victorious even when life is unfair and suffering is all around us? The Book of First Peter says we can!


In the Home

Peter gives husbands and wives several important things to remember, in order to have victorious living in the home!


In Trials and Conduct

We all face troubles. That’s just part of the human experience! How should we respond? So many people respond with anger, bitterness and discouragement when things don’t go their way. But, that’s not what God wants! In the new Testament book of 1 Peter, we find some godly advice and wisdom given to people, like us, who were facing some serious troubles of their own. Pastor Scott continues his sermon series on the book of 1 Peter, where we learn just how our responses to trials can actually be a source of joy – if we respond in a way that pleases God!