Fear God Alone

Fear God Alone

When we try to look perfect on the outside to people, we are on the fast track to hypocrisy(we need to fear God, not man). Jesus taught the disciples about this principle in this chapter of Luke, and Pastor Scott then taught us, as well.

Being religious is a good thing. No?

Being religious is a good thing. No?

The Pharisees were the definition of "religious". Jesus gave them an earful about how their priorities were wrong. We can learn much from this passage!

It’s Pretty Simple, Actually.

It’s Pretty Simple, Actually.

To be blessed by God, we need to hear and be obedient to His Word.  Pastor Scott takes us through the next section of Luke, where this is taught. 

Pick a Side

Pick a Side

Spiritual neutrality is impossible.  Sometimes we like to think we are riding the fence between following the world, and following Christ.  But truly, there is no middle ground.