Are you sincere in your prayers?

Are you sincere in your prayers?

"Don't pray like the hypocrites." We've heard this before, but what does it mean? Pastor Scott helps us search our hearts about the motivation of our prayers.

100th Anniversary – Sunday 10:30

100th Anniversary – Sunday 10:30

Pastor Brad Pellish, our former Outreach Pastor, brought a challenge from the Word to our hearts.  We also heard testimonies from Pastor Scott Lehr and others, and a final dramatic sketch, to celebrate our 100th Year of existence at South.

100th Anniversary – Friday Night

100th Anniversary – Friday Night

Pastor Will Payne, our former Outreatch Pastor, brought a challenge from the Word to our hearts.  We also heard testimonies from former members who went into full-time ministry, a dramatic sketch, and some worship to our great God.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do You Believe in Miracles?

The disciples had just seen Christ do incredible miracles, but boy did they ever forget quickly, how mighty He is!

Life’s Biggest Question

Life’s Biggest Question

Life is full of questions -- Pastor Scott shares in this sermon, what he feels is the most important question that we need an answer to - find out what it is!

Profile of a Christian Messenger

Profile of a Christian Messenger

Compassion is a necessary component of delivering the gospel message.  We each tend to have way too much, or not near enough of it.  Pastor Scott takes us on a journey of finding out what our job is, related to this important command from God!

Hearing the Word

Hearing the Word

Hearing the Word is the first step toward knowing God.  There are certain things that can easily get in the way of our understanding of the Word--Pastor Scott shares what these are, which helps us fight against them!

Who is Jesus Part Four

Who is Jesus Part Four

The one who has been forgiven the most will love the most.  Great love comes from great forgiveness.  What do these statements mean, and how are these conclusions drawn from a parable in Luke?