
Good Friday Service

The cross of Christ is somehow horrifying, yet beautiful.  Pastor Scott explains this.

Judge not.  So really, no judging?

Judge not. So really, no judging?

Pastor Scott takes us to a topic that we typically think we understand very well.  We always remember the first words of the passage - "Judge not..." but we forget that the passage doesn't end there.  Don't miss this really convicting message.

Blessings and Cursings

Blessings and Cursings

When we think of being blessed, we think of monetary or  at least material blessings.  Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount that there is much more to being in the "blessed group" or the "woe/cursed group".  Pastor Scott helps us learn a lot about that!

Questioned on Sabbath Habits

Questioned on Sabbath Habits

Jesus had different objectives than the scribes and Pharisees.  They tried to trip Him up, but it just never worked.  Pastor Scott taught us about Jesus' interactions on the Sabbath, and how to Him, it wasn't "work", as they had claimed.

Questioned Eating Habits

Questioned Eating Habits

Jesus' calling of Levi to be one of his disciples got the scribes and Pharisees all in an uproar, and when Jesus attended the celebration, they moved in, to question Him.  He was eating with "tax collectors and sinners," they said.  His response really put them in their place!

The Power of Christ’s Holiness

The Power of Christ’s Holiness

Christ's holiness isn't just about his behavior.  It is a characteristic of His, and it is absolutely transformative in people's lives!  Pastor Scott took us to Jesus healing the leper, and the paralytic man in this message, and oh, the application we can take from their healings!

Celebration Sunday

Celebration Sunday

We added 11 new members to our local body today! Enjoy the work that God is doing at South Baptist!

Christ’s Authority on Display

Christ’s Authority on Display

When Jesus preached, people were mesmerized.  He "spoke as one who had authority," they said.  Of course He had authority--He is God! Christ brought liberty, and He brought healing.  And really, so much more.

Jesus’ First Sermon

Jesus’ First Sermon

When Jesus said the words "Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled", His listeners had to be shaking in their boots! The fulfillment of Scripture was happening right in front of them.  How do we approach Christ's teaching? With familiarity or hard hearts? If so, we are missing the power of His words.

More Testimonies of the Christ’s Authenticity

More Testimonies of the Christ’s Authenticity

Three more testimonies are in this section of the Book of Luke, to the Deity/Authenticity of Jesus Christ.  One appeared at Christ's baptism, one appears in the geneologies of Jesus, and one appears at the temptation of Christ in the wilderness.