Would you mind humoring me for a few moments of personal reflection?  This weekend, my wife Kim and I enter a new stage of life…that of parents of married children!  Just before noon, on Saturday, September 8, 2012, our son, Brad will take his best friend, Audrey to be his wife….and life for them (and us) will never be the same!  I think about all the stages of life Kim and I have passed through over the years:  meeting in our Old Testament Survey class at BBC of PA (‘80), engaged (‘83), married (‘84), began first church ministry (‘85), birth of Brenton (‘88), began ministry at South (‘90), birth of Brad (‘91), Brit (‘93), Bryant (‘99), puberty, driving, graduating, marrying….what next….kids having kids?…..diapers (again)?….grand-parenting?….yikes!!??  As they say, “The only thing in life that never changes is that life is always changing!”

Whatever changes tomorrow brings, we embrace them with a confidence in God’s unchanging nature and love, as well as His unfailing track record of faithfulness to us through all our stages.  What to call this new stage?  Well, I guess the best way to describe it is this:  “Answered Prayer”.  Since Brad was very young, Kim and I have spent many hours in prayer for him, that the Lord would bless him with a godly young woman with which he can spend the rest of his life,  and together share all the adventures and stages of life that lie before them.  Audrey is the wonderful answer to those prayers and we look forward to having her as a part of our family.  The unique blending of their personalities, gifts, abilities, desires and passion for the Lord and other people are amazing to behold!  They are entering a very exciting and wonderful stage of life and Kim and I look forward to seeing how and where God leads them on their journey.  We’ll keep praying for them, of course…but in different ways now. 

We are very thankful for the years of prayer and investment into her life by her parents, our friends, John and Cynthia Hinton.  We are also very thankful for the investment that so many in our extended family and church family have made in both Brad and Audrey’s lives through the years.  We thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement! 

Stages?…..ha….I laugh at new stages!!!  Well, sort of…you know, one of those nervous kind of laughs?  Anyway, this new stage – as the parents of newlyweds (2012) – promises to be one that we will enjoy!


2 Cor. 5:15